What other people say…

HOPE in the PhilippinesOver the last few years we’ve sent out 1000s of DVDs (most of them for free) to five continents. Here are some of the comments from real people that have watched our animations and responded to us either in letters or emails:

“Once again many thanks for the my copy of the Pilgrims Progress DVD, it is a wonderful resource which has enhanced my understanding of my Christian journey, my youngest son has been watching the DVD almost every night since it arrived in our home,which also means that he is watching less of the Disney channel and the Simpsons.” – Karen

“I have watched the Noah one which was good – gave possible insights that I had not thought about before.” – Roland

Pilgrim's Progress Kids Movie Night“The animation of Pilgrim’s progress is good i think n for me it’s good quality as well. You have done a great job coz it’s brilliant animation. I am sure it will spread the good news message to all those who will watch it and people will really enjoy the story, graphics n grasp the meaning of being a christian very easily. May God bless you and your work. Your work is really great. Thank you!” – Esther

“The stories are really superb – not only in terms of their production value and content but also in terms of their inspirational message and ability to reach out and touch viewers – especially younger viewers – in a heartfelt and sincere way.” – John

“I have all 3 of these DVDs and love them. Thank you so much. I really appreciate how they stay to the story with the right amount of humor (just enough to keep the entertainment level) So many animated christian films seem to only have a touch of a message and too much “fluff” that ends up being what kids get rather than the message. I was wondering if you have or are planning on making anymore! Thank you again!!!” – Wendi

Pilgrim's Progress Activity ClubWe have a growing Children ministry in our Church and I know this will put more fun in our Sunday School – Ronnie

I have never seen cartoons that have the gospel so clearly. – Chris P.

We have have aleady shown it at our church and to some individuals. It is just such a beautiful and powerful production – really hits home. […] Thank you for a wonderful ministry. My prayer is that the Lord will increase and empower your ministry and inspire you with many creative ideas. We have been truly blessed. – Delize

I cant wait to share them with Church on sunday – Nick

“Thank you very much! These DVDs will do much good to our Sunday School.” – Prem (from Malaysia)

“I have recieve the 3 DVDs on the HOPE Animation that you have sent me. Thank you so much. May the Good Lord bless you and your ministry. The children are really happy and they enjoyed watching the DVDs. I hope you ministry will grow for God’s glory.” – Hongsha

I LOVE your films. – Evelyn

HOPE in the Philippines“I am very impressed. I hope everyone will find your work as inspiring as we all do at Fresh Manna Christian Fellowship. We are going to use your Christmas DVD on the 21st December and have a bit of party food to! We look forward to any new work you do in the coming year. God bless you in your ministry.” – Barbara

I’ve had more parents come up to me and ask about the movie… I was even commenting it to my grandma and aunts and they too got to see it and liked it. It’s one of my new top favorite Christian movies. oh, I’ve also been reccomending it to other children directors of other churches to show the movie. I pray that God continues to use you guys and bless you guys tremendously. Thanks for everything!! – Jennifer

Awesome, thanks very much!!! – Emma

Looks fantastic. Great resource to use in my school. – Roger

Thank you so much for sending the movies. My family enjoyed them as well as some of our church members whom I passed the movies around to see. – Yolanda

“Looks brilliant!” – Sandra

Renfrew Trinity Church“I’m a youth pastor, also interested in the Noah’s Ark animation… We have some neighborhood kids that play in our church parking lot and would love to have an animated movie like this to introduce them to the bible and Jesus.” – Pastor Mycakal

Many thanks for the Pilgrim’s progress DVD – it looks great and I enjoyed watching it! It is very true to the original story. – Brian

Hi. Just wanted you to know that we received your 3 videos. Sir, we LOVED them! My wife, son, and I thank you so very much. We’re letting our neighbors view them as they also have children. But honestly, as an adult, the films were very touching and entertaining to me as well. – Rick

They are such great resources! – Louise

Our 8 year old grandson William was ill over Christmas and watched Pilgrim’s Progress on his computer and was really touched by it. – Margaret

Thank you so much for sending the DVD animation of Pilgrim’s Progress. I found it so helpful and encouraging having my husband in Feb going home to be with Jesus, my life felt like ashes, the DVD was part of my healing for going on and going forward with a joy and sure hope that life is not an easy journey but keeping our eyes on Jesus we will make it. Friends have watched it with me and are encouraged too. – Jean

HOPE in the PhilippinesWhat a blessing you are to produce and compile Christian movies for children. I would be honored to share these with my friends as well. – Laura

The children love watching animated stories and it is a great way of getting over the christian message to children that don’t have any link with church. Thank you very very much! – Linda

I have heard many great things about your film’s teaching from my bible study group thank you. – Janet

What a tremendous way to portray this timeless truth. Thank you very much! – Rickard

Good bless your work for the evangelism and the Kingdom of God. Greetings and be blessed by the Lord. – Wolfgang

I am so impressed with these DVDs and have been recommending them to everyone! – Roger

I wanted something for young people on Pilgrims Progress, something that would wet their appetite for more of the same. I did an internet search and came across yourselves. Great site, great products for spreading the Gospel! – Pastor Peter Millist

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