Going viral! What happened…

Many thanks to @DaggerAgency, Atlanta for creating this video about the Globglogabgalab going viral!


Bean Wrestle Mania

The story of David & Goliath like you’ve never seen it before…

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Fruitful garden

“Walk worthy of the Lord… being fruitful in every good work.” – Colossians 1:10

Faith warrior

What would the Christian life look like if it were a computer game? Find out in this short video about the power of prayer, the importance of church and regular Bible reading!

Live from the red carpet!

Here’s an exciting short report about the Strawinsky Premiere at Cineworld Ashford! It includes amazing and encouraging feedback from the audience…

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The mysterious house

Here’s a short excerpt from the beginning of “Strawinsky and the mysterious house”. It features one of the songs of the animation.

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“This is Discipling” is designed to inspire epiphanies about the purpose of church.

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Making of Superbook

The Superbook Christian Animations are a major and epic undertaking by CBN to show the relevance of the Bible to a 21st century generation. It’s a massive encouragement to us at Hope Animation and a role model for what we aim to work towards with the quality of our Christian Animations in the next few years.

Pilgrim’s Progress Game Trailer

A huge world to explore, an innovative battle system and a deep and uplifting story based on the greatest Christian novel of all time!

Sleuths and Savior

To order your copy of “The Sleuths and the Savior” DVD click here. Please also send us some feedback about this animation via a comments box on this page or the contact us section of the site. We aim to answer all your emails and very much rely on your input to improve our future […]

Aim lower

This is why we do what we do…

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Strawinsky Trailer

Here’s a first sneak peak teaser trailer for our upcoming animation “Strawinsky and the mysterious house”. Sign up for our newsletter to get latest updates on the production!

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