To order the full “Paradise Parables” DVD with all 9 episodes click here. Please also send us some feedback about this clip via a comments box on this page or the contact us section of the site. We aim to answer all your emails and very much rely on your input to improve our future animations!
Artist Profile: Jesse McPeek (Texas, USA)
Jesse loves making cartoons and loves God. It was only a matter of time before those two worlds collided! His desire is to reach the world with the Gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ. Not everyone will listen to a sermon or go to church… but most everyone will watch a cartoon. Jesse uses cartoons to reach others with the message that is so dear to his heart.
For more information visit
Moved me to tears. Thank you
Good prayer emotionally devoted in love. We love Jesus <3
I am possibly interested in entering animation for Christ. So I found this website. It seems somewhat outdated, but it still has some interesting stuff. They may not be outstanding graphics but I have been blessed with some of the cute story lines and interesting concepts! Jesse McPeek’s animations are really on fire! I wasn’t emotionally prepared for this video. I may have teared up a bit. Young Jesus is just as precious and lovable as I could ever imagine.