Feel free to send us some feedback about this clip via a comments box on this page or the contact us section of the site. We aim to answer all your emails and very much rely on your input to improve our future animations!
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On December 8, 2007,
in Christian Entertainment,
by David Hutter
Here’s our new 30 second trailer that was aired on the Australian Christian Channel over Christmas.
I have just watched your trailer and really enjoyed it.
So far I have only seen The Pilgrims Progress, I was truly up lifted & inspired. May God continue to bless and inspire this cause, (3D animation) opening doors so that little children`s hearts and minds, may continue to be bless and guided by these quality biblical truth/materials. (Not only are hearts and minds of children`s being blessed, but adults also).
Like the trailers very much and looking to start using visual things like these animations with children in the church but also the adults (who love stories too).
I watched the trailers for all the films and think they are lovely, actually quite magical, well done.
I came here for the Globglogabgalab.