It includes a full curriculum with leader’s notes and handouts for children and features the following 13 episodes:

  • In the beginning (Adam & Eve)
  • The Test (Abraham & Isaac)
  • Jacob and Esau
  • Let My People Go (Moses)
  • The 10 Commandments
  • A Giant Adventure (David & Goliath)
  • Roar (Daniel in the lion’s den)
  • The First Christmas
  • Miracles of Jesus
  • The Last Supper
  • He is Risen (Crucifixion & Resurrection)
  • Road to Damascus (The conversion of Paul)
  • Revelation

I strongly encourage any church reading this to purchase a copy of this DVD set! I haven’t seen any other Christian animation with this kind of quality in screen writing, animation, soundtrack, action, adventure and sound biblical teaching – EVER!

Each episode tells a Bible story that includes some practical lessons that kids can apply in their own lives. I’ve been very impressed how the writers don’t just tell the story but also prepare children to deal with some of the common objections and arguments they might encounter in school. In one of the episodes, for example, Chris Quantum is faced with the question “How can a good God allow suffering”. In another story he grapples with the question “Can miracles really happen”.

The goal of the series producers will be to create 104 episodes. This equips churches with a children’s ministry curriculum of super high quality that will last for two full years!

Let’s help and support this extraordinary ambitious project to teach Bible stories in an engaging, cutting-edge and fun way to the coming generation! You can buy a copy of the DVDs at or