Scott Cawthon has been working hard on a new animation project surrounding the famous Pilgrim’s Progress story. This time however it’s not a movie but an interactive experience!
The Pilgrim’s Progress Video Game is a very detailed, exciting journey through the vast world of John Bunyan’s novel and includes many secrets, adventures and quests. The aim of the game is not only to reach the Celestial City but also to make a difference on the way by helping the people you encounter throughout your journey.
If you want some help with the Pilgrim’s Progress Video Game, Scott has created a comprehensive, in-depth strategy guide that will give you answers to all of your questions and reveal all of the secrets that can be discovered on the way…
I really appreciate this strategy guide for Pilgrims Progress the Video Game. Though I am new to video games in general, as I don’t understand what people see in them to begin with, by Allah this is one of the best things I have ever experienced. (Allah means God, praise be upon him). Since reading this guide I’ve been excited to try out a full Zeal build while dual wielding katanas to maximize my damage output on such vile enemies like Dark Thought. Although I am very interested in a dual Holiness and Wisdom to complete my any % speed run. Although the speed run killer that is Sinmire continues to cause me great strife, but I am able to take a moment to pray my anguish away and continue on with my run. I have been worried with some of my faith only runs because I try to challenge myself and limit to one faith power per build, this last time I didn’t use Grace and the souldozer nearly ended my no hit 1 spirit run. I have also tried off-stream a wisdom prayer build to see if there was a hidden mechanic in the game to show the enemies the true errors of their ways by the grace of Allah. (Allah means God, by the way) Anyway, great game, replayablility is about a 6/10 and the customization leaves a lot to be desired. Come and show me some love on my main: