How does it work?

We’re not a full-fledged company or organisation yet – we’re a few guys who love animation, media, films and Jesus. Whilst we would love to do this work full-time, we still have our day-time jobs to keep us funded and therefore develop these projects from our bedrooms in our spare time…

We live in exciting times. Technology is on the threshold of enabling everyday people with limited resources to do what previously was only possible in Hollywood.

To put it into the words of Bill Gates: “There are many talented people whose aspirations and potential have been thwarted by economics and their lack of tools. New technology will offer people a new means with which to express themselves.”

Noah's Ark in the makingAll our animations have been created as one-man projects in our “spare time” and are distributed through this site. We generally have full-time day jobs that help us to finance the postage, DVD replication and also production of further HOPE media projects.

When we started off in 2007, we’ve offered all our animations for free. Anyone interested in the animations could send us a message and we’ve posted out the DVDs world-wide for free. This worked really well for the first 2-3 years and allowed us to post 100s of parcels to all five continents. We received some tremendous and encouraging feedback from people all across the world (some of which you can read on the What other people say page). Eventually, however, we realised we had to raise some additional funds to help us complete more ambitious projects and raise funding for more powerful hardware so we decided to start sell the DVDs via a web shop.

We’re aware that the animations cannot be compared yet to Pixar Animations or Walt Disney, but hey – we’re still young and the technology is still in its early years. Our “business model” (i.e. working from our bedrooms in our spare time) makes it possible for us to create complex projects for very little money without having to spend lots on overheads for buildings and offices.

We’re working hard to constantly improve our skills so that we can produce better animations and reach more people. We also aim to develop friendships and partnerships with likeminded artists and supporters. We trust God to help us finance the projects through our day-time jobs, orders from our web shop and donations from supporters and website visitors.

Our foundation for this project is the Bible and prayer. Our tools are computers and software. Our aim is to honour and praise God by proclaiming the Gospel using engaging animations and games. Join us in making this vision a reality!

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If you would like to support our ministry, please purchase a copy of one of our DVDs, sign up for a our email newsletter, connect with us on Facebook, send us an email, pray for us, tell other people about us, post a link to us on your website or send us a donation to help us finance future projects!

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© 2007-2025 Hope Animation