Who we are

David HutterArtist Profile: David Hutter (Ashford, UK)
David is the founder of the Hope Animation website. Next to working as a multimedia developer, designer and e-learning consultant, David is passionate about using new media and film to communicate the relevance of the Gospel to a 21st century audience. He has recently completed work on his first feature animation “Strawinsky and the mysterious house” and is currently preparing for future projects.
For more information visit www.davidhutter.com

Jeff GoodnerArtist Profile: Jeff Goodner (Germersheim, Germany)
Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennesee, Jeff currently lives in Germany working as missionary, language trainer and communications and design professional. His aim is to unite Christians, serve the community, love God and others and helps spread the word about our website and animations through strategic partnerships, networking and general communications.
For more information visit https://sites.google.com/site/jcgmissions

Featured artists:

Scott CawtonArtist Profile: Scott Cawton (Texas, USA)
Scott Cawthon, a graduate of the Art Institute of Houston, Texas, is an independent animation producer living in Texas, USA. He is father of two children and has created several independent films, including Noah’s Ark, The Pilgrim’s Progress, A Christmas Journey and the Jesus Kids Club as well as the Pilgrim’s Progress Video game.
For more information visit www.scottgames.com

Jesse McPeekArtist Profile: Jesse McPeek (Texas, USA)
Jesse loves making cartoons and loves God. It was only a matter of time before those two worlds collided! His desire is to reach the world with the Gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ. Not everyone will listen to a sermon or go to church… but most everyone will watch a cartoon. Jesse uses cartoons to reach others with the message that is so dear to his heart.
For more information visit www.smileisles.com

Pelumi IgunnuboleArtist Profile: Pelumi Igunnubole (London, UK)
Pelumi is a young and passionate designer working in design and media doing a range of work from print based work to web and animation. He has a passion to see the living Word expressed through the media and is currently developing a hard hitting clothing brand called “Social Commentari” tackling moral issues in society.
For more information visit www.pidesigns.co.uk

LogosdorArtist Profile: Logosdor (Hornsby, Australia)
Logosdor works as a creative Christian team who loves to create and give in secret. Who we are doesn’t really matter. Who Jesus is – is everything.
For more information visit www.logosdor.com

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© 2007-2025 Hope Animation