Our aim is to keep you regularly updated about the DVDs available at http://www.hopeanimation.com/, to provide you with testimonies and reviews from people around the world that have watched the films and to inform you about any updates and developments of HOPE Animation.
Thanks for visiting our site and please tell your friends and church about our free resources!
Hi i am looking for the down loadable Cartoons that used to be on the site,
can you tell me how i can get hold of them, possibly to down load or on disc
thank you
ps they realy helped me and i would like to use them to help others
God bless
Hi Stuart,
Thanks for your comment on the Hope Animation website! Sorry it took me so long to reply. We’re currently actually in the progress of changing the site drastically. We’re trying to create more and more Christian animations and had to change the site to incorporate a shopping cart to raise some funds for new software and new films. The site is still work-in-progress, but we’re hoping to add more content very soon! 🙂
There are a few animations available for free here… I hope they help you somehow? http://hopeanimation.com/watch-now/
God bless,